










我有兴趣在西雅图买正规足球比赛的app中代表第二学区. 作为一名教师,我将把我的专业经验带到这个位子上, 作为一个母亲,我对这个社区的热情, 以及我作为合作领导者对正规买足球的App未来的愿景.

I moved to 巴拉德 in 2019 from San Francisco where I taught at a project-based public K-8 school, 学区顾问. 我的伴侣 and I started a family and knew we needed to move to a community where we could put down roots and grow. We fell in love with the people and beauty that the 忠诚的高度 neighborhood offered us. 我们拥有自己的房子,并计划在这里住很多年. 我们的儿子刚满五岁,我们不仅希望他过得好, 但他所有未来的同龄人和朋友,他们一起学习和成长.

I received my Masters of Education from USC and have over ten years of teaching experience. 这种教育和我的经历帮助我理解了教师每天所面临的真正挑战,因为他们尽最大努力支持和提升我们的年轻人. 我还持有艺术整合专家证书,并在旧金山联合学区和阿拉米达学区的咨询工作中使用了这些知识. 在那段时间里,我为成人和学校利益相关者领导了专业发展课程,围绕着艺术和包容在我们学校的重要性. 我热衷于带领教师和教育利益相关者走向一个以儿童为中心并确保更公平结果的未来.

In addition to my work as a teacher and leadership experiences as a consultant to schools, 我也有在董事会和委员会任职的经验. 我在创意艺术特许买正规足球比赛的app工作了两年, specifically supporting the Curriculum committee and the Diversity and Outreach committee. 搬到西雅图后,我加入了非营利组织, 并在他们的项目委员会任职. 我理解在更大范围内创造变革所需要的合作努力,也知道如何与持不同意见的人合作,以实现共同的目标.

我相信教育, 虽然我知道西雅图的学校现在面临着挑战, 我也相信社区的力量,能够最好地理解需求,并创造出有影响力的解决方案.

我在课堂上的专业经验, 与教育利益相关者合作, 以及作为一个小男孩的母亲对这个社区的爱, 让我成为这个职位的唯一人选. 我会把我对教育的归属感和热情带进这个角色.




Tell us about your experience, including any Board or other leadership experience.


老师 & 西区学校专业部门主管,2021年至今

学前班到四年级的视觉艺术老师, 负责开发, 实现, 评估课程. 支持专家团队, providing structure and recommendations for improvement to the Lower School Head. 作为新教师的导师,培养他们的归属感并给予指导.


《正规买足球的App》的设计师和作者, 为研究生开设的课程, 包括内容概述, 作业, 评估准则, 教授指导, 原始资源.


日常运营经理, 与孩子进行有效友好的沟通, 家庭, 和工作人员. Responsible for maintaining records to meet licensing and accreditation requirements.


Coach of adult learners through transdisciplinary intensive courses critiquing established norms in education, 重点是在艺术整合和公平实践中建立战略.

老师 & 团队领导,创意艺术特许学校2015-2019

幼儿园, 一年级, 在一个项目中担任八年级教师, 调查驱动的公立特许学校. 负责课程的开发、实施和评估. Creator and facilitator of professional development training with a focus on documentation, 使用思维程序, 通过综合协作的方式进行创造性的实践.


委员会成员,Goodwin Connections, 2020-2023

Seattle based non-profit connecting low-income 家庭 to educational opportunities


多元化及外联委员会成员, 请求续租, 修改任务, 制定战略计划, 分析数据,对提议的措施进行投票, 与我们的目标一致, 有色人种学生入学人数增加了20%


吉莉安·霍根,洛伊斯·赫特兰,黛安·B. 贾奎斯,2018年“工作室从一开始思考”

Dr. 朱莉娅·马歇尔,2019年“跨课程整合视觉艺术”


Presenter of ‘Changing the way 学校 Look and Learn’ Teaching for Understanding and Meaning Making


Presenter of ‘Artists as Activists’ Exploring Student Power and Voice in K-8 Education


促进行政人员的专业发展, 老师, 教育利益相关者解决隐性偏见, 以及文化响应型教学,以创造公平的结果.




What is your connection to the 第2区总监 or 4 community, schools, 家庭, and students? How do you foresee growing or expanding on those connections and relationships in your role as a 买正规足球比赛的app Director?

My connection to District 2 is that I live and play in 忠诚的高度 neighborhood. 我的伴侣, 儿子, 狗, and I are often out and about in the 巴拉德 area as we love all that this area has to offer. My 儿子 will eventually attend 忠诚的高度 小学 and many of our friends and neighbors attend local schools. Of course, 我想 see all the children of Seattle succeed and find joy in learning. 我也有联系,因为我, myself am a teacher and want local 老师 to feel supported and uplifted to do their important work. 我的搭档是西雅图市的高级土木工程师, 因此,我们都与这座城市有着深刻的联系,并渴望让它取得成功, 快乐的, 并尽可能为未来做好准备. 如果被任命为主任,我将继续在社区中露面,并积极寻找邻居和社区成员,以更好地了解他们的经历, 需要, 并希望进入正规买足球的App系统.

What is your understanding of the role and responsibilities of a 买正规足球比赛的app Director and the Seattle 买正规足球比赛的app? How do you foresee working with your fellow Directors, the Superintendent, staff, and the public?

买正规足球比赛的app在为更广阔的地区本身创造愿景方面发挥着重要作用,同时牢记构成整个地区的所有个别学校和家庭. 学校董事最重要的职责是充当社区成员和决策之间的桥梁. 为了做出负责任的决定,制定有影响力的政策,买正规足球比赛的app必须与社区紧密联系,对当前面临的问题以及社区本身的需求和愿望有扎实的把握. 买正规足球比赛的app在为更广阔的地区本身创造愿景方面发挥着重要作用,同时牢记构成整个地区的所有个别学校和家庭. The 买正规足球比赛的app Directors directly impact the direction of the district for many years to come with their hiring practices, 战略计划, 以及程序性决策. These are responsibilities I would not take lightly as an educator myself that knows what is at stake.


我最大的优势之一就是我不仅能听, 但也要考虑, 多视角. In today’s world of polarizing views and tribalism it is an important skill to keep an open mind. I hold my own set of per儿子al beliefs and values that I openly acknowledge and share when offering my lens, 然而,我不害怕让我的想法改变, 或者承认我知道的不够多. I enjoy reaching a level of understanding with people of differing views in order to reach a shared vision or goal. I am able to get my ideas across without belittling or denouncing the ideas of others. As an art teacher and arts advocate I also believe myself to be a creative problem solver. 为了找到解决方案,我跳出框框思考. Collaboration is hard work and in order to do it gracefully one has to find comfort in the discomfort at times.


冲突可能是合作的必要部分. 当我在之前的董事会工作时,我经历了一些不适和意见分歧,当通过工会谈判关于教师加薪. 我是一名教师, 代表教师利益, 与代表不同财政观点的许多其他利益相关者在一起. 这些对话和辩论有时会变得情绪化. A couple things helped us all resolve this conflict and reach an agreement that all parties were happy with. 第一个, 对我们来说,说出我们固有的偏见是很重要的, 例如,我指出我在教师工资谈判中有既得利益,这有助于提高透明度,也让我看到自己的盲点在哪里. 每个人都有自己独特的视角, 但在担任董事会成员时,有必要把这些放在一边,牢记你对自己所代表的组织的责任. 在整个谈判过程中,我们继续做的另一件事是回到我们共同的愿景和战略计划上来,以指导我们的对话. The focus on bigger ideals we had previously aligned on helped us remember we are all on the same side, 最终选择对学生最好的那一面. 一路上我们意见不一, but in the end we reached an agreement without hurting anyone or compromising on any bigger picture goal.

校董会政策编号, 0030, 确保教育和种族平等, 包括以下承诺:

西雅图买正规足球比赛的app致力于每一所学校的每一个学生的成功,并实现我们的使命,确保所有学生毕业后准备好上大学, 事业与生活. We believe that the responsibility for student success is broadly shared by District Staff, 管理员, 教练, 社区和家庭. 我们专注于缩小机会差距,创建学习社区,为所有学生提供支持和学术丰富项目. 另外, 我们相信每个学生都有权利在西雅图公立学区获得公平的教育体验.


这句话反映了不幸的现实,到目前为止, 我们没有为所有学生创造公平结果的学校, 这是他们的权利. 在全国范围内, 学校让低收入家庭的学生失望, 残疾学生, 有色人种学生, 尤其是我们的黑人男孩以惊人的速度死亡. 这一声明强调了正规买足球的App仍然需要做的重要工作,以消除对边缘化社区造成的伤害,以提升和授权以前服务不足的学生和家庭取得成功. It is stating this work as a priority and as a vision that is upheld by all working members of SPS, meaning that policies and hiring practices should align with this lofty goal at all times.

西雅图买正规足球比赛的app为学生的成绩设定了三个目标,并附带了作为学校系统表现更广泛指标的指标. Provide your insights into how setting goals and monitoring progress influences student success.

设定目标和监测进展情况有助于卫生和服务部门负起责任. 没有具体的、可衡量的目标,一个学区就没有方向. Data is an important tool and while it does not always tell the whole story about a particular student, 它确实讲述了一个故事,尤其是在边境范围内. 查看数据有助于地区确定差距并设定目标, 继续通过数据衡量这些目标的进展情况,确保现有的政策和保障措施支持既定目标. These set goals directly impact student success only if there are consequences for not meeting them. 除非领导者愿意投入工作,持续监控既定目标的进展,否则目标永远都是目标, 支持一线教师实现这些目标, 然后根据目标的进展做出决定.

Please share your knowledge and/or thoughts on an ongoing educational issue that is a high priority for you. 你如何看待董事会在这个问题上的作用?

多样性声明中提到的SPS内部的不平等和上述目标对我来说是重要的问题,似乎正在做一些工作来解决机会差距. 除此之外, I think the financial situation of SPS and the decreased 招收ment is one of the biggest issues being faced at this time. I feel per儿子ally connected to this issue, and because of this I may have some insights to offer. 我目前在西西雅图的一所私立学校教书, despite previously teaching in public schools and my deep philosophical beliefs about the importance of public schools. 当我搬到西雅图时,我很难找到负担得起的托儿服务, 最终找到了我现在的学校, 的西区, 一所为学龄前儿童到八年级提供服务的私立学校. 我很高兴能找到一个我3岁的儿子可以上学的地方,我也可以工作. It has been a great experience and now it seems easier just to keep him at that school even though we commute, 而不是拉他去幼儿园. 曾在公立和私立学校当过老师, 我不认为私立学校天生就更擅长教学生、欢迎家庭或创造快乐的学习体验. 然而,我确实觉得他们更善于推销自己, 讲述他们的故事, 让父母参与决策. 这是我觉得SPS可以改进的地方. 作为一个在公立和私立学校系统都经历过的人,我觉得我有资格就SPS如何更好地吸引学生提供我的见解和想法, 招收, 并让他们的家庭继续上学.